1. Parents / guardians are requested to look into the School Diary of their ward daily and see that lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should be seen and counter-signed regularly. Students should be encouraged to cultivate neatness habitually and all slovenliness should be firmly disapproved of (Note carefully the rules regarding leave).
2. The parents should carefully fill in the Personal Memo page and in duplicate.
3. If you observe that your ward in I to X is not assigned home work for some time or that he / she is unable to follow the lessons the Principal should be contacted. Private tuitions are discouraged. Should you feel that your child requires private tuition, after informing the school you may make your own arrangement. No SMS teacher is allowed to take tuition without the prior permission of the Principal.
4. Parents / Guardians should not visit the classrooms during the class hours. For any information regarding the school contact only the school office during office hours.
5. A duplicate school diary can be purchased by the students only on a written request from the parents and with the permission of the Principal. A fine of Rs. 30/- plus the cost will be charged if the student has lost the original diary, progress reports card and ID Card. [Fee challan Rs. 20/-. Please pay 10/- for any certificate, and Rs. 30/- for duplicates.
6. Criticism of a student's teachers or his / her school in his / her presence should be scrupulously avoided because it causes the student to lose his / her respect for his / her teacher, with the consequent failure to learn from him / her. Should you have a legitimate complaint, meet the Principal, without fear of reprisal.
7. As your child advances in age, guide him / her to become a resourceful and useful member of home and society. With this in view students will be assigned various duties even manual work in the school. Encourage self help for work and study. He / she should be taught to keep the room tidy, make his / her own bed, polish his / her own shoes, carry his / her own bag etc. The formation of such habits early in life, inculcates in the student the idea of dignity of work, a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life.
8. Withdrawal of your child from classes for mere social functions is not recommended because it retards the child's progress in school and minimizes his / her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in his / her studies.
9. Result will be given only to parents or to any other person with an authorization letter duly signed by the parents.